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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

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Do You Doubt Yourself?

Recently, when the subject of doubt came up, my inner talk was basically, “I don’t have any doubts. Doubts don’t pertain to me.”

Yet, as I contemplated the subject, I soon realized that I do have doubts.doubts

Here are some examples. Lately, I’ve been thinking, “I hope my spiritual practice is growing powerfully. I wonder if there’s something I’m missing?”

Or, “I doubt I can lose weight. The last few attempts failed.” And another example is, “I hope I’ll be strong enough emotionally and physically to be able to successfully care for my 93 and 94 year old parents as we go forward.”

And finally, “Someone close to me acted like they didn’t care about me. I wonder if I’m loveable?”

Wow! I have some big doubts brewing. Yet, as I thought more, I realized that doubts are fear based, calculating failure rates and insufficiencies.

What about you? What are your doubts?

When we doubt, we’re dimming our light. And our light, or energy field, is what attracts wonderful things – answers, people, solutions, clarity, and opportunities to us.

Here’s how I addressed my doubts.

First, I identified them lurking around, hidden from me within my consciousness. I allowed plenty of space and time for more doubts to surface so I could see where my light source was being dimmed. I was surprised by how fooled I’d been by not identifying them.

Second, I looked at all my doubts and essentially said, “Not mine. Not me.” One by one, I dis-identified with each of them. Putting a bit of space between me and the doubts was helpful.

Finally, I asked, “Who is it that doubts?” The mind is perpetually occupied with busy thoughts. Yet there’s an observer within us that can step outside the mental chatter and simply watch the mind’s thoughts as they change. As you identify with the observer within yourself, you’ll find a powerful tool to let go of all your suffering, whether from doubts, fears, drives, attachments, and even grief.

Once you take the position of Observer (or as an ancient sage Patanjali called it, “The Seer”), then you’ve begun to detach from even the deepest entrenched negative beliefs that hold you in bondage.

This also has the effect of changing your outer energy. The position of observer is an ancient spiritual practice that has been used for healing as well.

After I followed these three steps, I felt lighter, happier, and more open. Actually, I’m still practicing being a conscious observer to allow the old energy to be completely cleared. And I realized, once again, that observation is one of the biggest tools I use for my spiritual practice & for powerful healing. Many of my current doubts have lessened or left.

I hope you’ll take a look at the doubts holding you back and take action, as I did, to clear them out. You deserve to live a freer, happier life. You may not catch all the doubts, but by making a little effort, you’ll quickly identify the big ones holding you back. Then you can shine more brightly and experience a bigger, stronger, more beautiful energy field that attracts more wonderful things to you.

Share your thoughts with me on my Facebook Page. I’d love to hear from you!