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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

Innsight, Inspiration, and Understanding of Your Soul and Life Purpose!

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Prince Harry & Meghan – Their Life Purpose

There are few people who I recognize as not needing a past life regression. Harry and Meghan are two who qualify for skipping a regression. Here’s why.

At the top the list for the vast majority of people who sign up for a Past Life Regression is the desire to know their life purpose. Harry and Meghan are clearly on that path in an extraordinarily powerful, bold, and creative way, carving out their unique role to play in the world which will surely make the biggest difference possible.

I have to say, “Congratulations! You’re right on track following the wisdom of your Higher Selves!” These two are setting a unique course and redefining life purpose for us all. This is what it looks like to see a soul on point!

I get this feeling as I watch, along with the world’s admiration, as they announce their plans after great contemplation, to reveal their decisions about where to place their focus, where to locate themselves, how to protect themselves from the press, how to raise their precious son in a wholesome way, what direction to take given the limited hours in a day and years in a lifetime, and the millions of choices and diversions along the way. I, for one, can’t wait to see their life purpose in play. They are truly extraordinary with life purpose.

In their plan, they have also figured out how to avoid diverting their attention and greatest value by the endless requests and expectations from others, of their life essence – their time and energy. Bravo for figuring this out and for making all the decisions involved!

As a Past Life and Spirit World regressionist, I continually see souls struggling to be true to themselves. It’s one of the hardest things we have to learn.

It takes gut-wrenching courage, strong self-valuing, and real leadership in order to come to terms with the passions of your heart along with your ability to follow them.

In the case of Harry and Meghan, they live as two hearts as one. It’s exciting to watch their soul mate relationship of deep love and promise for others. Their outward look stands to change many lives by the compassion and love in their hearts as well as their action plans to change things for the better, help the disheartened and poor and those who have been forgotten in their suffering from poverty, oppression, inequality and the many other strife’s that the underserved experience. What could carry greater life purpose than this!

You may be thinking, “Well, if I were that famous and had that kind of clout and royal pedigree, I could probably also make a huge difference, especially if I weren’t deep in debt, married to the wrong person, felt as though I don’t fit in, and have never had enough to be charitable with, given I, myself, am in great need and feel disadvantaged!”

The admirable part about Harry and Meghan is what they’re walking away from. It may look as though they already had it made being in the royal family, the center of attention wherever they go and with whatever they do, living in lavish wealth, having admirers everywhere and cheers from everyone. Probably most of us would gladly swap places with them just to enjoy these things. And yet, they didn’t find themselves fitting into this picture. It wasn’t enough. It didn’t tap into their life purpose. They dared to dream bigger!

You might ask, “What would it look like if I dared to dream bigger about my life? What am I willing to walk away from? What’s holding me back from being creative and envisioning a bigger, more purposeful life? How is my soul calling me a little higher at this time? What is it in my own heart that longs for more purpose, and what would that look like for me?”

Make no doubt about it. You are worthy of these questions and your quest for right answers! Setting your heart’s intention to know your right purpose and to learn how to follow your Highest Self, would be a great start. Imagine a world filled with people who contemplated their best possible lives in order to be the most meaningful and helpful to others as well as be fulfilled in their own happy hearts!

When we look into the night and spot a star with great magnitude, with an ability to shine its light brighter than all the others, we are set into a world of wonder! This light’s magnitude has a way of lighting up our own light, making us feel connected to something greater than ourselves. This is a gift to us all.

This is the world I live in as a Past Life Regression counselor where we embark on the journey of our souls’ highest purpose to become awakened and be launched! What could be more meaningful than to fulfill the life purpose and nobility of our soul and live from our Highest Selves!

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