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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

Innsight, Inspiration, and Understanding of Your Soul and Life Purpose!

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How Do You Know If You’re Being Called to Have a Past Life Regression?

When a client comes for a Past Life session, we first have an interview where I ask them, “What brings you here?” Or “What makes you want to have a regression?”

Inevitably, my clients say that they are simply curious in wanting to know about any past life they may have had and if there was any truth to past lives. It’s a good question.

In fact, I like it when this comes up because it shows a curiosity and openness that are very helpful in receiving a regression. I’d say that this is the way you most can identify if you are being called to have one.
Here’s what the client doesn’t know at the time, but which will soon become crystal clear at some point during the regression and certainly afterward. They think that it was their idea to have the regression. Actually, someone who comes to a regression out of curiosity and openness to the idea of exploring it, is someone who was guided to have the regression.
When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If it were mere curiosity, it could be shelved as a thing you may get around to one day, later. But curiosity that brings you to research a regressionist, select one, contact them, schedule a regression, and pay good money, then drive to their place or schedule a zoom session in order to actually go through with it, represents a deep drive.
It’s more than curiosity. It’s a calling.
And it’s a quiet calling. Just a nudge. It feels like any calling, “I feel like some ice cream right now.” But a divine calling comes from a far deeper place than an everyday decision even though it may feel the same. It’s important for you to know the difference.
The divine curiosity about your spirituality contains your next spiritual steps to opening – as you’ve most likely never opened up before – to your vast soul, to your life purpose, to make meaning of your life, and what to do next. It’s awe-inspiring. It’s why I want to tell the world – and you – of the wonderful possibilities that await you.
When we start with an interview, and as I sit next to my client at the table, I am fully aware that they were called to the regression. And it is always confirmed as we near the end of the regression once we’ve been on the regression journey of their past life, where most of my clients are actually conversing with their guide or teacher. It sounds almost unimaginable but that’s what happens.
And although it may, at first, sound strange, it becomes very natural during a regression to speak with your guide or guides and to receive a past life hand-picked by them for you to see. And the reason they do this is so you can be shown for what reason you were shown that particular past life. And that’s a game changer for most people. It’s very awakening.
There is usually some emotion during every regression, which can be very moving, vivid, & real. It’s you in another life. And you recognize yourself. No tricks, just accessing your Superconscious, which Dr Carl Jung spent years researching. All the information is already within you. It just needs to be accessed.
I hope this helps you if you are currently – or at another time – considering a past life regression and whether or not to pursue it.


My new book is now available on Amazon!

I hope you’ll be inspired to pick up a copy and learn more about this fascinating subject! The book is full of Past Life stories from my clients who want to share them so you can see the vast possibilities open to you!

P.S. If you’re inspired, it would mean a lot to me if you’d leave a review on Amazon, no matter how brief. Thanks so much!
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