For the next few minutes, take the lid off your thought and think with us in the realm of infinite possibilities.
How do we get there? Well, imagine the complete fulfillment of your highest, most cherished desire – even if it seems that it would take a miracle for it to happen. Now examine your thought. What is your honest expectation that this desire will truly be realized? It is often hard to envision success because we see so many obstacles in our way and our relentless train of inner negative thinking virtually creates limited expectations.
That’s why we need to dramatically free our thought. For example, imagine actually achieving your highest desire! Can you imagine that big? By envisioning such infinite possibilities, we enter the place where such expansive thinking becomes “normal” – and that’s when miracles begin.
Here’s an example. Why is it that we were not in outer space 100 years ago? Because it seemed so far from possibility. Yet once we set our vision high enough – with the expectation of success – the miracle unfolded.
Are you ready to take your life to the equivalent of moving into space? The spirit of infinite possibilities is sending its invitation to each of us right now. Here’s the map that comes with the invitation: First, get on the mental path of the miracle by setting aside thoughts that say “impossible.” Then hold the mental space for the miracle to be received. Assume the evidence of success – in thought – before it actually appears in form. This is no different than a parent seeing the “miracle” in advance of their child learning to ride a bike – even though, to the child, it seems impossible.
The consciousness of expecting miracles involves spiritual awareness that infinite possibilities are the true reality of our expanding lives. Only thought that is out of alignment with spiritual Truth would limit Spirit’s possibilities.
We understand such miracles because that is how we came together as a couple. Each of us was divorced and feeling very unsuccessful in love. Thinking of marrying again and “succeeding” in love was as far away – in thought – as Pluto.
Our inner spiritual commitment, however, was already unfolding a miracle. Our standards were moving to a new high standard of what we knew deserved in love – even if it seemed “impossible.” We were stretching the limits of Love possibilities.
Shannon, a passionate spiritual healer, took months to consider the new standards required should she ever marry again. Thinking in the realm of highest possibilities, she recognized that she was a massively loving person and it would no longer ever be worth it to be with a life mate who could not love her just as well as she could love him. She worked with bold, spiritual affirmations to awaken her consciousness to the infinite Love possibilities she included, but had not yet experienced. For example, she affirmed that Love itself was already husbanding her and claiming her as Its very own. She placed strong pressure on her thinking to go past the point of settling for less – to go past all limitations. Though she did not know how her consciousness would produce such high-level love, she trusted the outcome to Spirit’s unlimited and infinite possibilities.
Meanwhile, in another city, Scott’s negative inner talk of “You, Scott, are obviously unlovable and will most likely be single for the rest of your life” was quietly shifting. In spiritual reverence and openness, he realized that it was his spiritual right to experience the love he deserved – all of it! Just like the turning point of deciding we were, as a nation, going to get to space and then soon finding ourselves there, Scott’s turning point in thinking took him to his highest selfhood.
And that is where we met – in our highest selfhood. Today, our lives together are immersed in love so infinite that it is spilling over to everyone in our path. Our love may seem like a miracle to others, but those who explore behind the “miracle” soon find themselves in the very center of an unfolding miracle in their lives. In fact, had we not taken our thinking to the realm of infinite possibilities, you would not be reading this column – because we would never have met!
You can do this too. Let your thought open. Feel the infinite possibilities calling you forward. Welcome them. Move with them. Say “Yes!” to miracles. Welcome to the heart of Love!
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