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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

Innsight, Inspiration, and Understanding of Your Soul and Life Purpose!

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Are Past Lives Real?

A client recently came to a Past Life Regression session with me wanting to see for himself, “Are Past Lives Real?” And “Have I had a past life?”
This is an intelligent question. It shows a great open mindedness, and it deserves an answer.
When I’m asked this question about the realness of a past life regression, I think back over the many regressions I’ve given for many years. And I even reflect back on my own, over 50 regressions now.
What comes up for me is this.
As a spiritual healer of many decades experience, and as one who is intently interested and devoted to results-oriented healing and alleviating suffering, as well as being passionate about enlightenment, I have seen more powerful healing through past life regression than through other methods I have used through the years which have been effective to teach lessons, bring about transformation, and generally, more process oriented, slower coming about.
Spiritual healing is a wonderful thing! Homeopathy uses essence and energy as medicine. Acupuncture uses meridian openings as medicine. Doctors use pharmaceuticals as medicine. And each healing modality has its medicine as well as its benefits.
The medicine of past life regression heals through a process of self-revelation. This is its medicine. It works through the Superconscious where all your records within your consciousness are held for all your lives. A few years ago, I had no idea what this even meant. But I have found past life regression to be true as a reliable healing method to get to the bottom of what most needs to be healed in your life.
Past life regression also incorporates Spirit Guides which bring their medicine of divine guidance, comfort, restoration, and instruction. Just as you’d imagine, your guide is a spiritual entity who is always with you. Your guide loves you and has your best and highest interest at heart, watching over you, protecting you and guiding you.
Your Spirit Guide may include a host of other celestials, such as angels and All That Is which operates as a divine Collective, helping to bring you healing through deep awakening. Past life regression tends to be transformational.
The man who I referred to above, who was curious if he’d ever had a past life, was stunned to discover that he did indeed. He accessed a particular past life through an actual past life experience of recalling himself as a sergeant in WWII who was desperately trying not to involve innocent by-standers in Belgium, while Nazi soldiers were coming after he and his troops.
However, it was not possible to save the innocent ones who reached out to help them to be helpful by offering to hide them in the basement of their farm house. He heard the Nazi’s coming. He and his men fled to the woods behind the house. Then he heard the shots. Years later, as he died, he took with him, the memory of these people being killed. It was a trauma of deep regret that accompanied him after he died.
His Spirit Guide showed this particular past life in order for him to see that today, in his present life, he brought these energies with him, playing out in his nervous system, and burdening him deeply.
Not only was he carrying this trauma from WWII but he was also shown a second trauma, from the 1800’s where he helplessly watched a buddy drown.
For some people, these may not have registered as traumatic. Some people may look at a traumatic event and think, “These things happen.” However, for my client, his guide knew that this man was traumatized and that he had carried over these energies into his present life. It was affecting his life today.
Not only did we confirm that he’d had a past life, but two of them. And we also learned that he had been carrying trauma for over 200 years, from these two past lives into his life today.
Not only did we discover these major issues. We further uncovered the identity of his soul. He’s a soul who protects and safeguards. So, it would be especially traumatic for someone with this high calling to experience these as truly tragic events, which they were. He held the guilt and regret so deeply that he couldn’t shirk them from lifetime to lifetime.
As a spiritual healer, who’s uses prayer, metaphysics, and intuition as my healing tools, I find this to be an astoundingly powerful method of healing. The beautiful part is that the healing did not come from me giving him my inner intuition about his past lives. In fact, I’ve never been able to be intuitive in that way.
His healing came about from the self-realization accessed through his Superconscious which gave him access to his Spirit Guide who could reveal and explain all of this telepathically.
Are past lives real?
I have found them to be very real. In fact, so real that they can reveal the reason you most suffer today. And they can also enlighten you about the identity of your soul!
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