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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

Innsight, Inspiration, and Understanding of Your Soul and Life Purpose!

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Earth Angels & Beyond – Amazing Stories from My New Book

I’m excited to announce that Earth Angels & Beyond: Past Life & Spirit World Soul Regressions is now live on Amazon as a paperback, Kindle ebook, & audiobook. It includes 16 ALL NEW amazing stories of Past Life Soul Regressions from my clients. Click the picture to view or buy on Amazon.

Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 1.

Chapter 1

Earth Angels & Beyond

I’ve titled this book Earth Angels & Beyond: Past Life & Spirit World Soul Regressions for several reasons.

  • There’s an enormous interest in Earth angels & beyond – and for a million good reasons.
  • I want you to see how my clients discovered they are of the Angelic Realm.
  • I hope to close the gap between your human and divine reality.
  • This book was written to help you learn about the nature of Earth angels and to help you discover if you may be one too.

Do you know about angels in the Angelic Realm?

They hover over you, encircle and surround you, penetrate you with their loving, healing energies. They cause you to feel their presence with comfort, peace, worthiness, love, and calm. They guide you and offer their presence to abide with you so you no longer feel alone.

You can call on them for any reason at any time and expect to receive their help. They do not withhold. It’s no less than miraculous the way they interact together to orchestrate miracles for you. What you ask them for may not be exactly what you receive. But when you look back, you may see what you received turned out to be better for you and others in the long run.

The key point is that we can request angelic help – and we can receive it anytime. But we do not direct the Angelic Realm. They direct us.

Earth Angels are of the Angelic Realm, but they incarnate

The most telling way to know if a person is of the Angelic Realm is that they are generally very sweet, loving, warm, compassionate people, who deeply want things to be better, even healed. Their hearts are pure. Just as with all humans, there are varying degrees of maturity. We are all on a learning curve as we come into greater awareness of our divinity.

We don’t pray to angels on Earth. They are here doing their own work like us. But you may find them to be very helpful to you since they care deeply.

Perhaps you recognize yourself or someone you know by some of these descriptions. Angels aren’t perfect in this realm. No one is. This realm is impossible to perfect.

Perhaps you are relating to some of these qualities which we have thought to be human lovingness and you are now re-considering them as divine and of the Angelic Realm.

We generally are clueless about being an Earth Angel. A soul regression tends to bring this into the light to be realized. We all underestimate ourselves.

You may think that it would be impossible for you to be an Earth angel because you’ve thought and done bad things, hated people at times, acted mean, and made some bad mistakes.

Think about this again. Did you do those things earlier in your life and now you know better? Was this a time when you were less aware but now you have become consistently more concerned with the happiness and well-being of others and found yourself caring deeply about things important to be a better person? Was that years ago when you were just ignorant about your values and relationships? And now you’ve grown?

These are the very things we are here to discover and attain. This would be an Earth angel’s mission, to awaken to their Higher Self while on Earth, which is a dense and difficult place.

We are divine souls on an eternal journey. Our lives carry a purpose affecting the entire universe and its content. Our greatest need is to discover and follow our Higher Selves.

The Higher Self is your beautiful soul which is in the process of awakening. Following your Higher Self is a big part of your journey here on Earth.

If you are learning more about who you are spiritually and what you are doing here, this is your Higher Self pulling you forward. Many times, you may even feel driven by it.

What I am writing in this book is the present best summary I have learned from my many years and incarnations and over 73 personal soul regressions.

Since I’m forever growing, even daily utilizing whatever comes up in my life to rise higher and to learn what I can and try to act in accordance with my Higher Self, I may discover a different perspective as I continue to grow. This happens often. We grow and outgrow ourselves.

A Spirit World Soul Regression provides many insights into our much-needed awakening.

Regressions are not for the faint of heart. They’re for spiritual seekers. They take courage and trust that the outcome will be far worth it.

If you decide to have a Spirit World Soul Regression, my best advice is to come with an open mind, curious to explore your unknown soul and Higher Self, and to trust that there is a message for you that you need and that will help you at this time in your life and for the remainder of your current life.

The 16 soul regressions contained in Earth Angels & Beyond are full of amazing and delightful surprises, including releases from the past. They offered eye-opening revelations that transformed their lives.

The amount of extraordinary information that is possible and comes through in soul regressions is staggering to the imagination as you will discover in the following


In this book, each chapter reveals one of my client’s regressions, from beginning to end, showing important information essential to understanding themselves and their life purpose.

In these pages, each regression will take you on a journey from one of my clients who made amazing discoveries about themselves.

The effects of these regressions were, in many cases, mind blowing and life changing as their Higher Selves became powerfully activated to produce great paradigm shifts in understanding their journeys as souls.

If you feel called to read this book, it is your Higher Self which is guiding you to do so.

Allow it to speak to you as you read and benefit from these experiences. And start trusting your intuition.

I am indebted to all the wonderful clients in this book who have agreed to share their special and deeply private experiences so that you can get a glimpse of what’s possible and perhaps unimaginable until now.

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