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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

Innsight, Inspiration, and Understanding of Your Soul and Life Purpose!

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Important Lessons from Past Lives

My life is deeply engrossed in giving past life regressions. I highly value the lessons revealed of our soul’s journey.
For instance, some learn how they carried over a trauma into this life from a past life and are able then to clear it. This is a moment full of release. Many learn the serious consequences of their past life mistakes which they underestimated in terms of having long lasting effects. And, once they realize it, this too can be released.
Others learn that they are presently in their best life right now and have learned their lessons well. It may have taken them 1,000 years to come to this place. But, of course, there will always be other lessons to learn.
It gives me pause when I realize how hard our lessons are to learn and how much struggle and effort we make in order to overcome our challenges. It’s difficult to gain wisdom, but it’s an indication of what we are learning from our lives. These realizations can be eye-opening and life changing to bring greater happiness.
I asked my husband this morning over breakfast, “If we were looking back on our current life 100 years from now, how would you answer the following questions about your present life:
·     What are the biggest or hardest lessons you’ve learned in this life?
·     What are the lessons you’ve not yet completed?
For myself, among the hardest lessons I’ve learned is my naïveté towards people closest to me who harmed me. There were two. And I learned how well I glossed over the hurt and pain until I could no longer tolerate the unjust, unkind treatment. There was a lot of struggle involved and over a span of years that covered half my lifetime. This type of lesson can take lifetimes to overcome.
As a result, I have gained wisdom about discerning how I am treated and the importance of speaking up as lovingly as I can. And, I also give consideration as to whether it’s time to complete the relationship.
Today, most all my relationships are ones that involve mutual love and kindness. The good news is that once the lesson is learned, the suffering leaves. This makes a more meaningful life and it brings greater happiness.
When I asked my husband, Scotty, “What are the lessons still incomplete for you?” He said, “Having less emotional sensitivity.” He’s a kind and sensitive person and he responds deeply to the people and events around him.
I hope that as you give thought to these questions you will use it as an opportunity to be loving to yourself and not be harsh or judgmental. After all, we’re all working on things to help us evolve, from lifetime to lifetime. My guess is that those who bother to read this blog – like yourself – are ones who are most earnestly working on their lives to do better and learn whatever the big lessons are that are yours to learn. I know you’re as committed as I am.
Think about what you don’t want to carry over into your next life that hasn’t yet been solved in this life. Your continued efforts will eventually be rewarded by your karma.
Let me just say how grateful I feel to be on earth with you in our present lives and how compassionately I feel for whatever difficulty you are going through. And how needed your efforts are at this particular time of great global distress and peril. You are making a difference!
I’m excited to share my new book with you. Here it is!
P.S. If you care to write an Amazon review, I’d deeply appreciate it.
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