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Never Give Up

There was one time I vividly recall during all my years of praying, that I wondered if I should just give up. It seemed what I was asking for was impossible. After all, how on earth was God going to move mountains to save me from a miserable marriage! I couldn’t even imagine how I could have possibly received an answer to this one.

Here’s what happened.

I realized, shortly after I married the first time, that I had made a mistake by marrying the man I’d chosen. Year after year, I prayed daily about my predicament. Stuck! After 18 years of being unhappily married to this man, the unpredictable occurred. He had an affair. My heart emptied out and sank. It was unthinkable that he would betray me. This looked far from answered prayer. I filed for divorce – deeply grieved, disappointed, and devastated.

After he left, I prayed, asking for divine guidance. Surely this was part of a divine plan for me. But how? I couldn’t see what was ahead and seriously wondered what would become of me. I never prayed specifically “for” a husband or new marriage. Here’s what I did…

I didn’t outline how my need would be met or decide God owed me this. Nor did I try to manifest a man. I left it all up to God. After all, only the divine Hand could move the powerful parts in a right way and I was willing to let it go either way – with or without another marriage. God, you decide for me!

Less than a year later, and of continually praying about it whenever I thought of it, I met a man who would become the love of my life. From the time we first talked on the phone, I knew there was something extraordinarily special about this man. I couldn’t wait to learn more about him! And he felt the same way about me. We got married.

I began to realize to what an extraordinary degree my prayers for a happy marriage had been answered – and it was beyond my wildest imagination. I had never even read of such happiness as the love we shared. And at first, I even doubted it was true! But, as time went on, it was proven to us both, that the extraordinary love we shared was good enough to be true! Neither of us had ever before experienced anything like it nor even dreamed of it! Truly answered prayer!

Today, we’ve been enjoying over 26 years of true love and ultimate happiness. This doesn’t mean that we don’t still have human ups and downs. But it does mean that we get to do those together while experiencing the enormous support from each other. This makes everything more wonderful.

When do you give up praying about something? The answer I have found is, “Never!”

Start praying now about whatever causes your suffering and ask for what direction to take or how to better understand your situation. You may find, even at a later time, that from the moment you begin asking for help, that a divine plan was underway to help you through your suffering to the other side. You may be surprised how that comes about. We surely were!

Regardless of how long it takes to answer your prayers, just keep praying. Much of the time, I’m surprised at how the divine offers help in the most miraculous ways – ways I couldn’t have even imagined. Who would have thought that my husband leaving me for another woman was answered prayer! It truly represents a Higher Power involved. That’s what I now live for. Just connect me to God and I’ll be fine! All will come out better than I myself could have created.

Even when there are many steps involved, and there is still no healing in sight, I have found the joy of living in prayer and full dependence on being guided, and feeling un-alone, tended by the immanently caring, compassionate, source of infinite Love, which loves and adores each one of us. And which, when asked, begins providing, guarding, and guiding us to the highest path possible at the time. Sometimes it causes us to grow in order to be prepared to receive these gifts.

Praying with God, we can know that we are advancing forward in the most powerful, wonderful ways. The divine is then answering our prayers.

The lesson of my life as a spiritual healer: Never give up!

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