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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

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Reiki, A Sacred Practice

For decades, I have relied on a daily sacred practice in order to help me to focus, be alert, awaken, have insights, release into greater love, heal, and grow.

To me, sacred practices are helpful and empowering in reaching a higher place of wisdom and awareness; interacting with the divine receiving guidance, inspiration, and insight. As a new modality recently introduced into my life, I now use Reiki for both myself and others and would like to share my experience of how Reiki energy has become a part of my sacred practice.

When I practice self-Reiki, at first, it feels like only hands on my face, and hands move down the body’s energy systems. I soon become aware that I am involved in a sacred practice where my hands are engaging with divine energy for a healing purpose. Sometimes I feel the energy flowing and charging throughout my entire body. I love the feeling of divine connection. I live to feel God.

The Reiki energy builds slowly. In the beginning, it almost feels as though nothing is happening. Then, once the energy starts building, I try to remain conscious that this is far more than a human endeavor of hand placements and waiting for the clock to register that I’ve been at it long enough. I am not looking for mountains to move, lights or angels to appear, psychic experiences, or flashes of light. Nothing so dramatic.

My intention is to connect to God and give love and blessings. God does the rest. The Reiki energy begins within me and as it progresses, I become increasingly aware of it as it moves through the body. Something is happening. It causes me to feel differently than before this began. It is a lovely feeling of well-being, aliveness, and peace. I feel harmonious. This state becomes the only thing I am aware of. No distractions and no friction or remembrance of something that upset me earlier. Just peace, stillness, and quiet within. It also feels expansive and sustaining as though it will always be here.

In being conscious of giving Reiki as a sacred practice, and aware that the possibilities of healing are very significant, I am taking part of a divine event, loaded with the presence of God and God’s direction. This process becomes a type of prayer-in-action, though it is spiritual, not mental. It flows. It is easy, effortless energy that flows through the person and me. I love feeling Reiki energy through my hands, then my whole body and I know that if I am feeling it, so is the other person.

It opens me up to God from a different channel than I am accustomed to and I do it wholeheartedly, embracing the event as vastly important to my spiritual evolution and well-being. This is yet another way to approach spiritual healing. It qualifies as a God-led way, just as my old, tried and true ways of being within other sacred practices that are so familiar to me.

This new pattern, of spiritualizing through energy, may not be entirely comfortable. So, it may feel unique and even strange at times. However, by remembering that this is a sacred, and not a physical event, it brings in all the healing and all the meaning of sacred practice. It is subtle and yet it is one of the most profoundly touching experiences I have ever had. And the touch is emotional, spiritual and physical.

When I’m doing Reiki for another person, more awareness develops without any effort on my part, other than to turn to the divine and be open. Here are ways in which the energy works with me through awareness of the chakra energy system:

  • I consider each chakra energy system as I am present with it, listening for anything it is telling me or seeing where it is taking me. Often it takes me to a place beyond, where I feel deeply connected. I become aware of a divine connection with the person and a place that feels timeless, whole and deeply connecting. Also, alive with God.
  • With the first three chakras – root, sacral and solar plexus – I bring in awareness of issues that occur in these energy systems. My heart goes out to the person. These chakras can be difficult places of great and intense stress and learning. They can be dense as the person has moved through old theological practices, prejudices, family dysfunctions, discouragement, betrayal, shame, disappointment, injustice, judgment, jealousies, hatred, revenge, regret, and the world of suffering we meet for all times –throughout past lives as well as the present one. I am aware that when we struggle with fears, horrors, anxieties, worries, and insecurities, these emotions deserve and need to be calmed, reassured and cleansed, with new and more wholesome patterns set up. This process is healing.
    • I consider the entire history of the individual as that of a soul who has been on a long, long spiritual journey, who, at times, has been just completely worn out with it. I honor the lessons this soul has gained from this journey.
    • I become aware that the higher chakras can step in and govern the lower chakras. And I envision this occurring, inviting and empowering them to step in and rule the entire chakra energy system with their healing beauty and power and intelligence. I can feel it happening.
  • On the remaining chakras, four through seven – heart, throat, third eye and crown – I am aware that I am in impressive energy systems which hold enormous promise for higher learning, spiritual advancement, life fulfillment, and powerful guidance. I hold these as valuable and essential to the person’s life.
  • At the heart chakra, I hold the intention that this person’s heart is full of love and forgiveness. I allow room for this to come forward and activate and even expand.
  • For the throat chakra, I hold the intention that this person has a great need for expression through their voice and that this person is self-authorized to then speak his/her truth into the universe, which is waiting for it.
  • For the third eye chakra, I intend that this person has divine sight, all-seeing and all-knowing, and that this third eye area has everything necessary to activate the most extraordinary healings and spiritual awakenings imaginable. Nothing is impossible, is the norm here.
  • Finally, for the crown chakra, I regard the person before me as a soul of great divine power who has agreed to bring their divinity into a vastly dense and bleak dimension to bring light and healing and awakening to themselves and all others. I honor this incredible brave Light who is here to contribute and to alleviate suffering – theirs and others. They have the power to be successful with this mission. Is see them surrounded by angels who are guiding, blessing, creating miracles with them and through a divine Presence like a Light Brigade or Immense Ineffable Light; capable of all good, in every moment.

The addition of Reiki energy to my daily sacred practice – through both self-Reiki and giving Reiki to others – has afforded me an even deeper connection to all of life and profound healing possibilities. So, whenever we are presented with new ways to connect with divine energy, we should be open to the growth opportunities that are possible physically, emotionally and spiritually. We should always feel gratitude for such inspiration. I surely do.

Shannon Peck is a spiritual healer who, for 35 years, healed by prayer, metaphysics, and intuition. Certified as a Past Life Soul Regression therapist, as well as a Between Lives Soul Regression therapist, Shannon is listed in the International Between Lives Regression Network. She is the author of, “Love Heals, How to Heal Everything with Love,” along with three other books co-authored with her husband, Scott Peck. Shannon recently completed Reiki first degree training with a dear friend and she is starting her second degree training.

Click here to see & download the article as published in Reiki Magazine, September 2018

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