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The Real News – Light is Rising

If you’re like me, you are absolutely exhausted with the growing instability in the U.S. and shifts of power in the world, revealing a gross loss of values & unspeakable injustices. The feeling goes even deeper. It is one of grave danger and it is shaking us to our very core.

With nerves on edge, fear is rampant, as we continue the full global play-out of the finale of evil’s rise.

As we have growing difficulty with this play-out, it tests our feelings of safety, security, peace, and all that we require for happiness, calm, hope and well-being.

Yet, through this process, another force is at play, one even greater than the darkness we presently face. And, as a result, we are learning a new way of life – not through mere coping, but through new skills, born of the Light, which are entering through our hearts, & affecting our bodies, emotions, and minds.

As the darkness appears to be increasing on earth, in actuality, it is forcing the Light to become more fully evident and operational. This is good news. The Light is rising.

This Light is born within our hearts. It is alerting us to our humanity and to recognize our need to be treated with compassion, kindness, tenderness, patience, and love. We long for a sweeter world and a way of being which is beautiful, pure, harmonious, & both love-centered and value-centered.

This process is manifesting in the following order.

First, an alarm is ringing within each of us, alerting us to grave danger and our need for protection and being saved from the wild disorder.

Second, through this recognition, something powerful within us is rising to a new level of alertness and caring. This dawning is slowly creating a new consciousness. And, it will bring a new reality almost unimaginable from where we presently stand.  Our human realm is being re-defined by us!

The time has come for Love’s new order of calm, peace, serenity, joy, and stability to replace the trauma we have endured for a long night on our frightful journey. As our light rises, we will see greater calm and peace. This wave of good will appear more, & the dark will appear less and less. What appears as evil’s dangers, with massive landslide losses to humanity, is the appearance of evil’s last gasp. We are being stretched by Love.

You can already see the Light’s roots growing, its sturdy stalk appearing, and a deep, strong grounding take hold. Here are a few examples.

New standards for filmmaking requiring women and people of color to be employed at every level from director to scriptwriter to actor, are rising to the forefront. A new rating chart has risen to rate companies for valuing employees and customers as much as, if not more than, profits. The “Me too” movement has become the new standard to alert men (and women too) to women’s rights of respect and personal safety, with women’s voices being heard and cared about, perhaps for the first time, giving women power to stamp out evil atrocities against them.

 Environmental negligence and abuse are rapidly being exposed as we experience greater catastrophes, sounding a mass alarm and awareness of the dire need to act now. This is creating a shift and it’s beginning to grow a new movement to save ourselves and our planet. Enough!

And have you ever been more aware of cruelty to those who are most suffering on earth including minorities, people of color, the poor, refuges, and immigrants? Already, we are viewing that the cruel and rampant justified hatred of others is void of happiness or principle, and therefore will not succeed. These atrocities are literally opening our hearts for change.

In these and other ways we are dramatically shifting.

At just about every turn in the growing darkness among us, which politicizes practically every personal opinion and decision, there is a greater longing. This longing is rising among us for a stronger sense of working together through skills utilizing harmony, compassion, and peace. We’re getting more in the mood for expressing patience, tolerance, and empathy. Listening to each other, rather than hating, has become imperative. Our hearts have become aware of these softer, more refined behaviors and their power to create a cultural change. This is what can save us.

In the midst of almost hourly distractions putting fear on center stage, we can watch as the light quietly creates the real news stories, surpassing the dark. And as the Light appears, it exposes more of the darkness for what it is. We are seeing that much of this darkness is manipulated by people in power who want to control the masses.  It’s giving new definition to audacious greed and selfishness. And it is completely repulsive to hearts on fire with purpose and kindness.

These dark troubles will continue to sound an alarm within our hearts so that we rise and shine, even while tension continues to build towards epic levels. The louder the evil, the louder the light and its action of exposing the evil and revealing what our hearts long for. Until, at one point, Love will lift her voice into the dark and, as a result, the dark will slowly fall and vaporize into nothingness. It’s a moment of alchemy.

The national and global crises and strife being played out in our governments, our personal relationships, families, jobs, and our nervous systems, will stop. Love is forcing us to deal with the dark, stretching us to new limits to reach higher, where at last, the new Light will dawn. This is a massively stressful and frightening process. The dark looks so real and great. But this is all heading towards a great change.

With this new world view, we can understand what is occurring globally, nationally, and personally. We can board the Ship of Light and begin tracking Light’s progress and power as we move confidently forward. We can listen to the voice within our hearts which guides us safely to create the world we truly want for ourselves, our children, & for generations to come. Through the light, every action we take forges us forward.

We are gradually becoming conscious that the light is our only place to find peace & refuge. As the light enables us to remain wakeful to what we most long for, it reveals how this rise of light alone is running our show. This is the purpose we now serve. We each incarnated as a soul in order to bring this about, and at this time. Our hearts are screaming for a better world. And we are creating it, slowly, with full conscious awareness and earnest deliberation.

Keeping ourselves on a steady course of Heart Vision offers a deep calm that assists us in dealing with the alarming instability of these times. Our hearts on fire with loving kindness provide the skills required in order to cope and alter the disastrous course.

Through the light rising, we are rebirthing our world.

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